Download the VTC Environmental Institute’s Press Release

Remember the VTC Environmental Institute. Your donations enable us to fight for your rights and to spread the great news about our wonderful industry.!

Please help us continue to be proactive!!! The VTC Environmental Institute is a 501(c)(3) corporation so all donations are tax-exempt. You may donate on-line.

Take a look at our latest Service Project: Mitigating Erosion and Sediment Loss in Petersburg
This project was completed 11/20/2021. We are preparing a narrative that will be posted here. In the meantime, go look at a temporary site for a sneak look
Here are some posts about the project
Posted November 17
Posted November 11
Posted November 10
Posted November 06
Posted October 07
Posted August 25

Here is information about our next Service Project: Shoreline Stabilization
The Service Project is expanding in three areas: partners, activities, and number of plants.
Partners: We are working with the City of Virginia Beach, Tidewater Community College, and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
Activities: After the planting attendees will travel to the Brock Environmental Center for lunch and for presentations by students.
Plants: We provided and planted 6,000 plants last year. This year we are doing 15,000!

Here is the rough schedule:
Date: Monday, February 14 (yes, this is Valentine’s Day – we will be finished by early afternoon)
Site: Lynnhaven Boat Ramp and Lesner Bridge (Shore Drive in Virginia Beach)

8:30 – Gather at Lynnhaven Boat Ramp and Opening Ceremony
– Moderator: Wes Bray
– Welcome: Virginia Beach Mayor Bobby Dyer
– Welcome and Brief Overview: VTC Environmental Institute: Wes Bray or Ray Funkhouser
– Welcome and Brief Overview: Chesapeake Bay Foundation: Katie McCarter
– Welcome and Brief Overview: Lynnhaven River Now: Helen Kuhns
– Logistics of Planting: Michael Moore
9:00 AM – 11:00AM – Plant 15,000 American Beach Grass Plants
11:00AM – 1:00PM – Lunch and Program at the Brock Environmental Center
1:00PM End