You need to thank WeMow, WeedMan, SuperLawns, Emerald Forest, and NaturaLawn. Because of their financial support, we are moving forward with on-line pesticide and fertilizer recertification.

A major development happened when Leading Edge Communications, our media resource, added the online training feature to our website. That feature works behind the scenes and is not yet activated. That activation will happen when we use the platform developed by Leading Edge Communications to finish course development and get approval from state agencies.

Here are a few principles guiding the new system:
– It must go beyond the normal “watch a video and take a quiz” format so common in most other online systems;
– The fertilizer recertification must have the option of being completed in two parts;
– In addition to Virginia approval for pesticide recertification, we must get approval from adjacent states;
– The recertification training will be FREE for VTC members; and
– Only VTC members will be able to take the on-line recertification training.

Again, thank WeedMan, SuperLawns, Emerald Forest, and NaturaLawn. Their financial support allows us to proceed!