Thank you to all turfgrass and landscape persons who contacted members of the General Assembly regarding House Bill 2030. The Virginia Agribusiness Council worked closely with the bill’s patron and others regarding that piece of legislation. Below is the “new” HB2030 that was introduced today by the patron. This substitute verbiage passed both the House Ag Subcommittee and the House Ag, Chesapeake, and Natural Resources Committee. The bill now goes to the full House of Delegates and then to the Senate.

The substitute removes restrictions the original bill placed on professional applicators.

House Bill 2030. Click here for the the bill’s history. Click here for the complete substitute.

§ 3.2-3929.1. Application of neonicotinoid pesticides. In any residentially zoned, outdoor area, no person shall apply any aerosolized neonicotinoid insecticide for personal use on plants, unless such person (i) is certified or under the direct supervision of a certified applicator or (ii) first notifies the owner of any managed beehive that is located within the line of sight of the application area and marked with a visual indicator, as described by the Beekeeper Pollinator Protection voluntary best management practices authorized pursuant to § 3.2-108.1. Notice shall be given at least 24 hours prior to application and may be given by phone, email, or mail or in person at  the address listed by the hive owner on the pollinator portal administered by the Department.