Months ago, Senator Hashmi’s office asked the VTC Environmental Institute to have a presence at their inaugural Community Resource Fest. We enthusiastically replied “Yes!” That event was held today (Sep 17) at Richmond’s Broad Rock Sports Complex. It was a great opportunity to strengthen political alliances, make new ones, and to spread the word about our industry to persons who might not otherwise listen to persons in our field. Remember, we were among persons who rarely hear good things about the lawn and landscape industries.

Harris Wheeler, Sam Burris, and Tom Tracy staffed the table and interacted with persons throughout the event.

In addition to Senator Ghazala Hashmi, Richmond City Councilperson Mike Jones, Congressman Donald McEachin, and Commonwealth Attorney (Richmond) Colette McEachin attended and spoke.

One of our posters that attracted the most attention was one that stressed us being the bridge between industry and environmental groups.  We featured three principles: “Dialogue Not Bumper Stickers;” “Collaboration Not Isolationism;” and “Respect Not Demagoguery.” Those principles enabled all three of us (OK, mainly Sam) to discuss the other side of the supposed evils of RoundUp with a person extremely opposed to that product.

Harris and Sam – blame the photographer (Tom) for
putting Sam in shade