Attention: The Fredericksburg Road Show is Returning
The 2nd Annual Fredericksburg Road Show is scheduled for Tuesday, February 26. We will once again be at the Fredericksburg Nationals Stadium – and the great news is that we will once again be inside the big concourse area (VIP area during games).
Highlights include
– University Updates (Virginia Tech and University of Maryland)
– Pesticide Recertification (VA, MD)
– Certified Fertilizer Applicator Recertification (Virginia)
– Lunch is Provided (thanks to our vendors)
– Dedicated Vendor Time
Schedule Summary
7:00 – 7:30 Registration
10:00 – 10:30 Break and Visit Vendors
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch (provided) and Visit Vendors
4:00 – 4:15 Complete Paperwork and Depart)
Attention Vendors|
– Support the industry and promote your products/services to your current and future customers
– Dedicated vendor time will happen throughout the event and during lunch (persons will stay on-site during lunch)
– We are asking only $300 to be a vendor at the Fredericksburg Road Show. Each vendor will get a table and chairs located in the same room as the classes.
Vendor Registration and Payment
– Go on-line to register and pay as a vendor: Road Shows – Virginia Turfgrass Council