Our Annual Distribution of Turfgrass Seed is happening!

This event is happening because of three great individuals: Kurt Fellenstein of Trinity Turf for providing the seed and Phil Bailey, Past President, for coordinating with security at the General Assembly, and our friend Beck Stanley who has paved the way to legislative offices.

Tuesday, February 4

Let us know if you can attend: virginiaturf@gmail.com or 757-681-6065 (leave msg)

Here is what you need to bring:
> A great attitude
> A wagon for carrying seed

We are meeting at the loading dock at 8:30AM on February 4th.
The loading dock is directly across the street from General Assembly Building (201 N. 9th Street, Richmond) and is at the entrance of the Commonwealth of Virginia employee parking.

That parking lot is not for us. Park in any of the other lots in the area and walk (pulling your wagon – that will be a great photo op) to the Loading Dock

Come to the Bay conference is next week. Details are on-line at https://vaturf.org/come-to-the-bay