[Lesson One: Topic One]
Lesson: Introduction and Overview
Topic: Introduction
(note: each topic to be three or four pages)
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This Certified Fertilizer Applicator recertification course is an exclusive VTC Member benefit. Only VTC members in good standing upon enrollment who complete the course will be issued a certificate of completion
This class is 100% on-line, is free, and is only available to VTC members.
Our on-line recertification programs are only available because of the strong support from:
2022 and 2023: WEEDMAN (logo and link)
2022 and 2023: XXXXXX (logo and link)
2022 and 2023: XXXXXX (logo and link)
Congratulations! You have already taken the professional step of becoming a Certified Fertilizer Applicator. That initiative shows your desire for protecting the environment, adhering to agronomic principles, and demonstrating to your customers and to politicians and regulators the industry’s strong commitment to doing the right thing.
To become a Certified Fertilizer Applicator (CFA), you attended a VDACS Board Certified training program and pass the subsequent exam. Although the certification lasts four years, every certified person must complete attend a training course every two years to meet the requirements for recertification. This course is designed to meet one of those two year requirements.
What can you expect from this course?
You will review principles of fertilizer usage, understand the regulatory issues affecting the CFA program, protect the environment while ensuring proper amounts of fertilizer are applied, and other timely topics required for you to receive recertification credit. A quiz is given at the end of each lesson and there is a comprehensive examination at the end. Each quiz and the exam must be passed with a minimum score of 75%.
The recertification course consists of eight lessons. You will approximately three hours to complete all the lessons, the quizzes, and the exams. The course may be completed in one sitting or may be taken as your schedule allows as long as you complete it within 180 days of when we send you the login passcode. The lessons build on each other. They must be completed sequentially and the end of lesson quiz must be passed before continuing. The final exam is given at the end of all the lessons. It is comprehensive and it too must be passed with a score no less than 75%. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be issued a Certificate of Completion. You are to upload that certificate onto your VDACS account in order for them to give you credit for the course.
- Introduction and Overview
- ttt
- Legislative and Regulatory Requirements
- tttt
- Fertilizing C3 and C4 Turfgrasses for Optimum Efficiency and Environmental Protection
- ttt
- Fertilizing Non-Turfgrass Parts of the Landscape
- tttt
- Understanding the Fertilizer Bag Label
- tttt
- Soil Tests Guide Fertilizer Applications
- tttt
- Final Steps
- tttt
Let’s get started with a refresher of the Certified Fertilizer Applicator Program by looking at the different categories of persons who apply fertilizers and who are regulated by the Certified Applicator Program. The next topic will present a historical background of the program so you will understand how the program came to be part of doing business in Virginia.
The first step is reviewing the categories and the rights and responsibilities of persons allowed to apply fertilizer under the provisions of the CFA program. The rest of this lesson references the Virginia Certified Applicator Matrix. That item is pasted below. It can also be downloaded as a pdf: Download a pdf of the matrix. If you are having difficulty reading the matrix, a generic version is printed below. ((online – insert matrix photo))
Virginia Certified Fertilizer Applicator Matrix
Certified Fertilizer Trained Applicator Untrained
Applicator (CFA) Applicator
CFA Training Module YES YES or Similar NO
Pass Test YES YES NO
Receive Certification YES NO NO
Receive VDACS Permit YES NO NO
Can Apply Fertilizer YES YES* YES**
Can Provide Training YES NO NO
Can Provide Direction YES NO NO
Must be Recertified YES NO NO
*under the direction of a CFA – onsite or offsite
** under the direct onsite supervision of a CFA
The Certified Fertilizer Applicator Matrix presents an overview of the program. It clearly shows, in one place and on one sheet of paper, the three categories of fertilizer applicators along with the responsibilities and benefits of each category.
The top row of the Matrix lists the categories of persons who may apply fertilizers: Certified Fertilizer Applicator (CFA), Trained Applicator, and Untrained Applicator.
Certified Applicator
Certified Applicators may apply fertilizer to nonagricultural land for commercial purposes or, if they are public sector applicators, they may apply fertilizer to nonagricultural land as part of their official duties. (2VAC5-405-20)
Trained Applicator
Trained Applicators may apply fertilizer to nonagricultural land for commercial purposes or to nonagricultural land as part of their official duties as public sector applicators provided they are under the control and instruction of a certified fertilizer applicator who is responsible for their actions. The certified fertilizer applicator does not need to be physically present on the land upon which trained applicators are applying fertilizer. Trained applicators are not authorized to supervise the application of fertilizer by untrained applicators. (2VAC5-405-20)
Untrained Applicator
Untrained Applicators may apply fertilizer to nonagricultural land for commercial purposes or to nonagricultural land as part of their official duties as public sector applicators provided they are under the control and instruction of a certified fertilizer applicator who is responsible for their actions. Untrained applicators may apply fertilizers provided that they are under the direct on-site supervision of a certified fertilizer applicator. (2VAC5-405-20)
Individuals Engaged in Training
Not listed in the Matrix is a fourth category of persons who apply fertilizer and are covered by the CFA program: Individuals engaged in training to become either a CFA or a Trained Applicator. Persons in this fourth category may apply fertilizers under the same conditions that apply to Untrained Applicators.
The left column summarizes major points for each category: CFA Training Module, Pass Test, Receive Certification, Apply to VDACS, Receive VDACS Permit, Can Apply Fertilizer, Can Provide Training, Can Provide Direction, and Must be Recertified
Since you are seeking recertification, not initial certification as a CFA, you have already completed many of the requirements described in the Matrix. The Renewal Section will interest you most but the others are discussed so you will be able to educate others.
CFA Training Modules
- Certified Fertilizer Applicators
Persons seeking to become Certified Fertilizer Applicators must attend a VDACS approved training class, frequently referred to as a “module.” Since this recertification course is written to persons already certified, you have already successfully completed an approved training class.
- Trained Applicators
Trained Applicators must receive training before they can apply fertilizers. The training may the same training module presented to persons who become CFAs or it may be training provided by a CFA. It the latter option is selected, records of the training must be kept on file (the next lesson will present recordkeeping requirements). The Administrative Code of Virginia does not specify details of the training a Trained Applicator must receive: All noncertified applicators desiring to apply fertilizer for commercial purposes on nonagricultural land while not under the direct on-site supervision of a certified fertilizer applicator shall successfully complete individual applicator training. All noncertified public sector applicators desiring to apply fertilizer as part of their official duties while not under the direct on-site supervision of a certified fertilizer applicator shall successfully complete individual applicator training. (2VAC5-405-80).
The Code also specifies contents of that training: training provided to individuals by a certified fertilizer applicator or training offered to individuals by any state agency or private entity approved by the board that includes, at a minimum, a study and review of fertilizer equipment calibration; handling of accidents involving fertilizer; proper methods of storing, mixing, loading, transporting, handling, applying, and disposing of fertilizer; and safety and health concerns related to fertilizer, including proper use of personal protective equipment. . (2VAC5-405-10).
- Untrained Applicators
According to the Administrative Code of Virginia, Untrained applicator means an individual who is not seeking or has not successfully completed individual applicator training. (2VAC5-405-10)
Pass Test
- Certified Fertilizer Applicators
Every person seeking to become a CFA must take and pass the exam given at the end of the approved training class.
- Trained Applicators and Untrained Applicators are not required to take a test
Apply to VDACS
- Certified Fertilizer Applicators
Upon completion of the VDACS approved training module and passing the subsequent exam, persons desiring to become CFAs must establish an on-line account with VDACS and upload the course completion document they received from the instructor. You (person taking this recertification class) have already completed this step to initial certification because you are currently a CFA.
- Trained Applicators and Untrained Applicators are not required to apply to VDACS.
Download and Print the VDACS CFA Permit
- Certified Fertilizer Applicators
Once documents for initial CFA certification have been uploaded and reviewed by VDACS, a virtual certificate is issued. Recipients may download and print that certificate.
- Trained Applicators and Untrained Applicators
These individuals do not have a permit but records of training must be kept on file, usually by their employer.
Can Apply Fertilizer
- Certified Fertilizer Applicators
Certified fertilizer applicators may apply fertilizer to nonagricultural land for commercial purposes or, if they are public sector applicators, they may apply fertilizer to nonagricultural land as part of their official duties. (2VAC5-405-20)
- Trained Applicators
The certified fertilizer applicator does not need to be physically present on the land upon which trained applicators are applying fertilizer. Trained applicators are not authorized to supervise the application of fertilizer by untrained applicators. (2VAC5-405-20)
- Untrained Applicators
Untrained applicators are allowed to apply fertilizer provided that they are under the direct on-site supervision of a certified fertilizer applicator. (2VAC5-405-20)
Can Provide Training
- Certified Fertilizer Applicators
Certified Fertilizer Applicators are able to train and direct persons to apply fertilizer.
- Trained Applicators and Untrained Applicators
Trained applicators are not able to provide training for persons applying fertilizer.
Can Provide Direction
- Certified Fertilizer Applicators
Certified Fertilizer Applicators are able to train and direct persons to apply fertilizer.
- Trained Applicators and Untrained Applicators
Trained applicators and Untrained Applicators are not authorized to supervise the application of fertilizer. (2VAC5-405-20)
- Certified Fertilizer Applicators
Any certified fertilizer applicator who desires to renew his certification shall submit documentation of satisfactory compliance with the continuing education requirement (2VA5-405-70). Procedures for renewing are presented in the final lesson of this course.
- Trained Applicators
Trained Applicators are in a unique, possibly temporary, position regarding renewal because the Code of Virginia does not address the requirements for renewing their status.
- Untrained Applicators
Untrained Applicators do not possess a certification to be renewed
Congratulations! You have completed the first topic. Now proceed to next section. In it you will review the legislation and regulations affecting the CFA program. Of particular note is the section on changes made in 2022.
Let’s relax and enjoy being able to care for the environment!
(online – insert photo)