Harris Wheeler – He made the project possible!

Sediment in the Road – The reason for the Environmental Mitigation Project

Partners Who Made the Project Possible

Harris Wheeler’s Pickup Truck Full of Rock Mulch

Site Nearly Ready for Planting

Site Nearly Ready for Planting

Harris Wheeler and Debra Jones

Harris Wheeler and Debra Jones

Harris Wheeler and Debra Jones

Tom Tracy Actually Working (This photo is for Wes Bray)

Tom Tracy Actually Working (This photo is for Wes Bray)

David Holcomb came at just the right time to unload and spread the heavy rock mulch

Harris Wheeler unloading and spreading heavy rock mulch

David Holcomb came at just the right time to unload and spread the heavy rock mulch

David Holcomb came at just the right time to unload and spread the heavy rock mulch

Harris Wheeler – He made the project possible!

The mitigation is nearing completion

David Holcomb and Pastor Tolbert

Harris Wheeling incorporating McGill’s Mulch on Nov 5

McGill Compost donated the necessary soil builder

The site on Nov 4 after compost has been added

The site on Nov 4 after compost has been added

Harris Wheeler and Debra Jones

Harris Wheeler and Sam Burris inspect the site on our first visit