About Virginia Turfgrass Council Environmental Institute


2025 in Manassas

March 21 Planting
Here are videos of the planting
Digging the Planting Hole
Handling Root Bags
Planting Tips
Forming the Edge
Planting Complete

Here are some photos of the March 21 Planting




What a treat! Cindy Smith, Mow Cow Lawn & Landscape persons; Bartlett Tree; Casey Trees, and many others devoted much of Friday, March 21 to planting trees and other plants at Central Library, located in Manassas.


This project, a service to persons who use the library, is only possible because of support from


Mow Cow Lawn and Landscaping

Bartlett Tree

Cassey Trees

Because of these persons and companies, we now have a Service Project in Northern Virginia. May this one be the first of many!

The project is at Manassas’ Central Library. We will capture storm water and provide desperately needed shade for patrons.

The project is in two parts

Part One: Planting Trees and Training Landscapers on Proper Installation

When: March 21

Part Two: Saturday, April 26

Purpose: Installing Rest of Project and Conducting a Special Ceremony. Legislators and county officials are invited to participate. There will also be a special ceremony honoring a special member of the General Assembly.

Do you want to help? Please donate to the VTC Environmental Institute, a 501-c3 corporation – your donations are tax deductible





The Virginia Turfgrass Council Environmental Institute has its own Employer Identification Number: EIN: 85 – 3595976

We are registered with Commonwealth of Virginia (Identification Number: 11124775)

We have received 501(c)(3) status from the IRS

The purposes of Virginia Turfgrass Council Environmental Institute are:

1. Providing education for industry professionals and the general public on proper practices for environmental protection through various means, including seminars and workshops.

2. Providing opportunities for industry professionals and the general public to restore environments.

3. Encouraging and providing support for environmental research.

4. Educating decision makers about proper industry practices that protect the environment.

Resources to Help You: