Sixty persons devoted much of their day to our Service Project at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Brock Environmental Center, located in Virginia Beach. Some photos are printed below, many more are available on instagram: @vbhorticulture – that account is maintained by Instructor Laurie Yates. She brought 11 students from the Career and Technical Education Center be a part of the Service Project.

In addition to the Laurie’s Instagram photos and a few pasted below, many more will be on our web site in a few days.


Look at the great line up speakers and topics:
Monday, January 13th

Service Project at Brock Environmental Center
(3663 Marlin Bay Drive, Va Beach, VA 23455)

8:30 Registration and Coffee/Tea
8:45 Welcome
Chris Gori (Chesapeake Bay Foundation)
Wes Bray (VTC – Environmental Institute)
Ethan Cason (Va Bch P&R)
9:00 Soil Health
Greg Hammer (Virginia Soil Health Coalition)
9:30 Protecting Virginia’s Waters
Joe Wood (Chesapeake Bay Foundation)
10:00 Soil Amendments
David Holcomb (McGill Premium Compost)
10:45 Virginia Beach Career and Technical Center
Laurie Yates
11:00 LUNCH
11:30 Projects Described and Groups Assigned; Upkeep of Bioswale
Wes Bray
Beachgrass Planting (Ethan Cason)
2:00 Final Gathering by Flagpole

This Years’ Service Project is possible because of financial support from:
Agronomic Lawn Management
Lawns and Gardens Plus
McGill Premium Compost
Virginia Dare Soil and Water Conservation District





Come to the Bay conference in two weeks. Details are on-line at
