Question: What do the following states (including the District of Columbia as a state) have in common?
District of Columbia
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina
West Virginia.
Answer: We are applying to each of them for pesticide recertification credit for the March Landscape Supply webinar.
AND we have approval from North Carolina – they are the first. That state has granted four credits in L, N, D, and X.
Details about the March webinars are on-line at
The live Virginia Tech Graduate Student Contest is a unique and an integral part of the March webinars. The contest is conducted by Virginia Tech Professors Drs. David McCall and Dan Sandor. Students from Virginia Tech, Rutgers, and Clemson will compete, presenting their latest research in 15 minutes time slots. After the contest, Dr. Mike Goatley of Virginia Tech will cover equipment calibration, IPM, and best management practices; Mr. Robert Christian of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will discuss legal and regulatory issues with emphasis on heeding label requirements; and Erik Snelsire of Landscape Supply will discuss new products.
The March 4 webinar will be repeated on March 5. The two are separate. Persons sign up for one or the other.