Monday’s (January 13) Service Project is very important and is an unprecedented opportunity for our industry to shine! We are collaborating with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Virginia Beach City Public Schools, Virginia Beach City Parks and Recreation, and others to continue our established practice of working with others on environmental projects.

This project is a fantastic opportunity for our industry to shine!

Details of this year’s project are on-line at

Over 40 persons have signed up to help!
We still have room for YOU but we cannot guarantee a box lunch for those who register onsite.

Please do not bring plastic water bottles, plastic or Styrofoam containers.
Refillable containers are okay. Paper cups will be available.

Parking – Event parking is on-street parking on Marlin Bay Drive with an approximate 5-minute walk from there through the park on the path to the building. Participants are able to park in the paver parking lot that is just outside of the campus gate, however there are only 27 spaces and the lot is a public parking area that is first come/first serve. If that area is full, participants will need to park on Marlin Bay. Directions that can be shared are attached.

Here is the schedule:
Service Project at Brock Environmental Center (3663 Marlin Bay Drive, Va Beach, VA 23455)

Classroom (meet in the Oyster Room of the Brock Environmental Center
8:30 Registration and Coffee
8:45 Welcome Chris Gori (Chesapeake Bay Foundation)/Wes Bray (VTC – Environmental Institute)/ Ethan Cason (Va Bch P&R)
9:00 Soil Health Greg Hammer (Virginia Soil Health Coalition)
9:30 Protecting Virginia’s Waters (Chesapeake Bay Foundation)
10:00 Soil Amendments David Holcomb (McGill Premium Compost)
10:45 Virginia Beach Career and Technical Center (Laurie Yates)
11:00 LUNCH (Provided)
11:30 Projects Begin (Projects Described and Groups Assigned; Upkeep of Bioswale (Wes Bray) Beachgrass Planting” (Ethan Cason)
2:00 Final Gathering by Flagpole


We Need You to enable us to continue fighting for your rights!
Please Give Generously.
The VTC-EI is a 501(c)3 Corporation
Your gifts are tax deductible

The VTC Environmental Institute has been hard at work for you, the industry professional:
We worked to reduce, and in some cases, eliminate fees you pay to VDACS;

We are your voice when laws affecting you are before the General Assembly. Last year, several bills in Virginia’s General Assembly Session sought to adversely affect our industry, including banning gas- powered leaf blowers, allowing non-licensed persons to apply herbicides, several property rights bills, and so forth;

We educated decision makers about the environmental and economic benefits of our industry to the Commonwealth.

The VTC Environmental Institute is YOUR voice in the halls of the General Assembly and in the offices of regulators.

Through the VTC Environmental Institute, we responded to anti-industry bills last year AND we are preparing for another onslaught this January.

Click on the Donate button* on the VTC-EI website.

* You may also download a donation form
to return to us.

The IRS Has Approved the VTC Environmental Institute as a 501(c)(3) corporation. All your contributions to it are tax deductible!
Our address is VTC-Environmental Institute, PO Box 5989, Virginia Beach, VA 23471.