About Virginia Turfgrass Council Environmental Institute
Virginia Turfgrass Council Environmental Institute
Donate –
The IRS Has Approved the VTC Environmental Institute as a 501(c)(3) corporation. All your contributions to it are tax deductible!
You may donate via PayPal (button below) or by downloading the donation form and paying by check or by credit card. Our address is VTC-Environmental Institute, PO Box 5989, Virginia Beach, VA 23471.
(Note: at one place on the page that appears when you click the Donate Button located below, you will see mention of the VTC, a 501(c)5 Corporation. Your donation is for the VTC-EI, a 501(c)3 Corporation)
The Virginia Turfgrass Council Environmental Institute has its own Employer Identification Number: EIN: 85 – 3595976
We are registered with Commonwealth of Virginia (Identification Number: 11124775)
We have received 501(c)(3) status from the IRS
The purposes of Virginia Turfgrass Council Environmental Institute are:
1. Providing education for industry professionals and the general public on proper practices for environmental protection through various means, including seminars and workshops.
2. Providing opportunities for industry professionals and the general public to restore environments.
3. Encouraging and providing support for environmental research.
4. Educating decision makers about proper industry practices that protect the environment.
Resources to Help You:
- Industry issues handout.
- Virginia’s Phase 3 Watershed Implementation Plan
- EPA Report – Look at the photo of results of not applying needed fertilizer (page 30)
- The Benefits of Turf (Ohio State Publication)